Aarogya Setu: भारत सरकार ने लॉन्च किया Arogya Setu App, इससे कोरोना वायरस के खतरे की मिलेगी जानकारी, यहाँ से करें डाउनलोड
Aarogya Setu: भारत सरकार ने लॉन्च किया Arogya Setu App, इससे कोरोना वायरस के खतरे की मिलेगी जानकारी, यहाँ से करें डाउनलोड
AarogyaSetu is our bridge to prevent spread of COVID19 in India. It will help us to stay informed with latest updates against COVID19, & enable the Govt to plan initiatives.Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. The App is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out to and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19.
Install it from Play Store: 👉 http://bit.ly/AarogyaSetu_PS
IoS:👉 https://apple.co/2X1KMzO
👉 'आरोग्य सेतु' एप को मोबाइल में डाउनलोड करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
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